Understand Your Strengths

Venn diagram on understand your strengths: How I'm designed to create value is made up of What I do best (signature strengths), Where I'm going (deepest interests), and Who I serve and what they value (service needs). The overlap of strengths and interests is where pastimes are found. The overlap of Strengths and service needs is where "prisons" are found. the overlap of service needs and interests is where "pipe dreams" are found. the intersection of strengths, interestes, and service needs is the core why.

The career exploration process begins with learning as much as you can about yourself.  We all have a unique set of characteristics, experiences, and values that contribute to our individual and collective success.  It’s important to be able to identify and communicate these strengths in order to effectively pitch yourself to a company or organization.

The referenced diagram shows the value in connecting your signature strengths, deepest interests, and service needs to find the sweet spot that is your WHY.  Any combination of two without the third is not sustainable long-term, so it’s important to consider all three aspects when you’re exploring various career paths and roles within a company.  This diagram is also helpful to refer to periodically throughout your career to keep yourself accountable and make sure you're staying true to your WHY.

Developing a habit of self-reflection is the best way to identify your strengths and claim your unique personal contribution.  Keep in mind that this is a lifelong process, so you won’t have all of the answers right away, but here are a few questions and resources to help you get started:

Questions to consider:

  • What brings you joy? 
  • What are your ideal tasks?
  • What are your proudest accomplishments?

Resources to help you identify your strengths and values:

  • Gallup CliftonStrengths - Taken in the Bridge to Success class the CliftonStrengths assessment is a tool developed by The Gallup Organization. It helps individuals discover their top five strengths.
  • Prioritizing Your Values - This tool helps you identify your top work values.  Complete the interactive form to identify those values and learn about what they mean.  Your responses will be emailed to you.
  • Work Satisfaction Inventory - This tool allows you to identify your top work satisfaction factors.  Complete this interactive form and your responses will be emailed to you.
  • Skills Assessment: Inventory - Use this tool to assess your skills in a variety of categories and identify specific areas in which you excel.
  • Accomplishment Tracker - This tool helps you reflect on your key accomplishments.

If you have any specific questions or would like access to any other assessment tools please set an appointment with your career coach.