Schedule an Appointment with Your Career Coach

In order to establish and maintain an open line of communication, please schedule appointments with your designated  coach.  Coaches are specific to program:

  • MSA, MSBA, MSBA-SA: Lisa Michaels
  • MSF, MSA: Mindy Evans
  • MNA, MSM: Jessica Stookey

If you have a time sensitive need  for which your primary coach is unavailable to assist, or if you would like to leverage a coach's area of expertise, please feel free to reach out to another coach. 

Appointment types can include:

  • Career discernment / goals discussion
  • Target company list review
  • Strengths assessment
  • Networking strategies
  • Job search approach
  • Resume and cover letter reviews
  • Practice interview
  • Offer evaluation / negotiation strategy
  • Latest market trend discussion

Schedule an Appointment